Public Sector
Past Urban Designer/ Development Planner II
City of North Vancouver
Gloria Venczel, BES, B.Arch., RPP, MCIP, was invited to apply for the position of Urban Designer/ Development Planner II at the City of North Vancouver. Her roles and successes are listed below.
+ Public Hearings
+ 99% success rate at Public Hearings for rezoning files that she managed.
+ Rezoning files included mixed-use residential, high density residential, commercial/office,
retail, industrial and medium residential.
+ Advisory Design Panel (ADP) Staff Representative
+ Facilitated the ADP mandate of constructive feedback on pedestrian-friendly urban design +
streetscape design.
+ Restarted the ADP Awards.
+ Urban Design Reviews for All Rezoning Applications
+ Conducted urban design reviews for all rezoning applications around streetscape /public
realm vibrancy and architectural consistency.
+ Ensured through planning suasion and hand sketches that the City’s urban design
objectives for people-oriented vibrancy were met.
+ Urban Design Reviews for New Civic Plaza + Vista Commons + New City Library
+ Conducted urban design reviews of new City Library on the New Civic Plaza, as well as
having introduced a café in the new City Library streetscape facing the Civic Plaza to provide
authentic people vibrancy.
+ Conducted urban design reviews of the Vista Commons public space , sensitively located in
between City Hall and the private Vista Condominium Development.
+ Created public space programming for the new Civic Plaza, new Vista Commons public
space. For Vista Commons programming sketch, see here.
+ Oversaw Outside Consultants for New Civic Plaza + New Vista Commons
+ Oversaw outside consultants for the City of North Vancouver’s new Civic Plaza, the new City
Library + the new Vista Commons Park Space, incorporated internal staff comments into my
urban design reviews.
+ Lead Urban Planner for Successful OCP Policy & Master Plan Study on
Density Bonusing for Rental Housing (CLPS)
+ Council Workshop on the Central Lonsdale Planning Study can be found here.
+ Density with amenities Public Real + Open Space Planning can be found on the
webpage here.
+ Designed the displays and held two public open houses and one youth questionnaire.
+ Largest planning study in 20 years.
+ Included 15 city blocks.
+ Council-Appointed Steering Committee returned a near unanimous recommendation to
+ Created municipal tools capacity building monthly workshops for the Council-
Appointed Steering Committee.
+ Created an adapted, in-house charrette process for interdepartmental , interative input; as
the project wasn't on the workplan, interdepartmental staff worked off the side of their desk,
as they were heard.
+ Central Lonsdale planning Study examined the history of rental housing, the available
tools/programs for affordable rental housing, a current and near-future snapshot of the
physical & financial condition of rental housing in CNV, current and projected demographic
profile of rental housing needs, the value of social diversity, relationship between Zoning
Bylaws & Official Community Plans, concepts of density bonusing for revenue neutral
affordable rental housing proformas (market + non-market ), concepts of density with
amenities, public space amenity programming & urban design, building form, massing,
architectural streetscape design, land use, average incomes, market conditions and
proformas,floor plates.
+ Lead Urban Planner for Successful OCP Study Area "Western Avenue"
The multifaceted 116 West 23rd Street rezoning application included an OCP Planning Study, a heritage agreement, resolving design issues brought on by “leaky condo” building envelope insurance requirements, was heartily endorsed by Council at Public Hearing.
+ Rezoning Amendment Bylaw
Managed the 116 West 23rd Street rezoning application file as CNV Staff Urban Designer/
Development Planner II. It was a tired heritage house serving as a care home, which required
a higher density for revitalization, triggering the commissioning of the Official Community
Plan’s (OCP)one of two designated Special Study Areas, The Western Avenue Planning
Study. It was as a technically complex of a development and community planning file as
+ Community Engagement
As the 116 West 23rd Street rezoning application fell within the Western Avenue Planning
Study Area, situated immediately adjacent to the Lonsdale Avenue Transit Corridor, there was
a reasonable sustainability planning rationale to undertake the Planning Study and the
associated Open Houses to rethink the above rezoning application site in the larger context.
Gloria designed visually enhanced Open Houses, simplifying the complex, for community
+ Official Community Plan Amendment
The Western Avenue Planning Study Council Report recommended a one Level increase in
the OCP densities respectively, as well as recommending the inclusion of “Lock-Off Units” for
the townhouse form in the existing Garden Apartment Guidelines, complete with suggested
unit designs through hand sketches. Not only did Council embrace the Western Avenue
Planning Study’s recommendations, but they voted to further increase the recommended
OCP Density Level + Housing Form by an additional Level.
+ Implemented First Municipal Guidelines for Lock-Off Units
As part of the Western Avenue Planning Study Report, Gloria's recommendation for Lock-Off
Units for income appropriate housing, Council also approved the first municipal guidelines
for “Lock-Off Units” in the lower mainland. They are located in the Garden Apartment
Guidelines and an abbreviated version can be found here.