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Neighbourhood Pocket Parks As Catalysts for Socio-Economic Resilience 

PLAN Canada Magazine, Future of Work Edition  


Adaptable, outdoor "third place" work opportunities in public spaces are possible for nearly 8 months of the year in Vancouver, B.C.. During Covid, being able to work from home was not only  a health-related issue, but  with shrinking housing sizes to create more affordability, adaptable vibrant outdoor public spaces, as  alternative venues to work & play, are going to become increasing important for the future of work, social connectivity and ultimately, social resiliency, an often forgotten key component of the three legged stool of sustainability in crafting  climate solutions. 



RAIC, MetroVan's Built City Speaker Series

SPACING Vancouver Magazine, May 2019



​As Thought Leader of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC), MetroVan's Built City Speaker Series, Gloria created a public capacity building component, providing tools , perspectives and hope through curated professionals  on the hottest topics, namely affordable housing, small business viability and neighbourhood vibrancy. Gloria also wove into the programming capacity building elements enhancing public  literacy around pedestrian-oriented urban design and complete community urban planning principles. 


This sold-out professional/public forum for dialogue and joint problem solving provided accredited Professional Learning Credits for the various professional organizations, including the RAIC and Planning Institute  of BC.



Congress for the New Urbanism-Cascadia Chapter (CNU-C)

Vancouver Summit 2015

"There Business of Northwest New Urbanism +

Bridging Sustainability & Aboriginal Values"


PLANNING WEST Magazine  Fall 2015

Planning West.jpeg

As Organizing Chair, The CNU-C Vancouver 2015 Summit, Gloria Venczel knew there were two significant missing links in the progressive people-scaled architectural movement, the Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU), namely the implementers, the development community. For the CNU-C Vancouver Summit 2015, Gloria invited a development industry leader, John Gilmour, Magusta Developments,  as a co-chair and invited a notable, innovative developer, Robert Sung, Salient Properties, as a keynote speaker. The other missing link for the CNU organization were the First Nations, who are very much in the process of shaking off colonialism and forging a new future, often as guardians of the natural world. As Organizing Chair, she hoped to provide opportunities for First Nations members to hear and connect with a nature-friendly approach to city development, assess whether these approaches would be valuable to them through the sustainability lens, in the context of the climate crisis. Gloria's intent was to create  bridges for  collaborative learning opportunities  where the CNU-C community and the First Nations could exchange ideas through presentations.

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